Friday, November 30, 2007



Questions, please! If you have any questions about God, His church, the Bible, PMC, or what is going on in the Woodburn church family, please share them with us. If you are wondering, then someone else is probably curious about the same things.

Peace to your house and all who dwell therein,

Sheepherder Bill


At January 22, 2008 at 8:00 PM , Blogger A.J. said...

Hi Bill, Sadness and Praise the Lord for all the good things in store for you and yours. We love you and the Blog. Big Hugs,A.j.

At January 23, 2008 at 6:35 PM , Blogger KC said...

I guess I just am questioning why it seems we still have division in the church? I think that somehow we need to sit down in some sort of forum (discernment) and really talk. Maybe a Saturday church private PMC within ourselves.

At March 11, 2008 at 10:55 AM , Blogger Sheepherder Bill said...


The only way for us to discern what God desires in our community is to listen to one another. If we are standing in a circle around an elephant, we are going to see different things than someone else. The tendency in our culture is argue about which one of us is right (which creates division). You have a very good solution. Perhaps we could change our expectations if we began to say, "Let's get together and listen." I am convicted that if we listened more and talked less, we would hear God more clearly.

Grace and peasce to you and yours,

Sheepherder Bill


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