Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chen Ying was made could not open his eyes until the pattern was to see the surface

However, this move is to Yang Zhiming Chen Fa scared half to death, Mr Chen took the melon to be too rushed Westland Street, Yang Zhiming was covered in blood alone

drinking wine, Westlands Street, a war, but also Yang Zhiming Chen makes the hair on the impressive, after all, can a single person indepth enemy hinterland, which not

only have extraordinary courage and ability, but also to costconscious planning. Yang Zhiming scars on the face of the piece is then left behind.

"Chow ... ... you see what is this?"

Spoke out from the suit pocket and a CDROM, suffused with strong sunlight, Chen Ying was made could not open his eyes until the pattern was to see the surface, Mr Chen

was almost called out: "Grandma is, and now I give it back! "

Grabbed a CD from the Yang Zhiming, Yang Zhiming later superimpose.

"It is of running down to business, your mother, are the boss or the cook is not so serious!"

Yang Zhiming helpless smile, will be inserted in the lining of the disc back.

"Chow, car go? I am also a first for a bad ride this car, the beginning is not used, but there are air conditioning, you will be on the next."

"Ah, is enough heat." Mr Chen looked soft in the seat, grinning smile Hey, if it is looking at Mr Chen Yang Zhiming and laughing, that the two security fear is thrust

out of the window Liao Chen Fa.


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