Saturday, September 18, 2010

and it is our army used a lot of weight loss a fruits and vegetables

and it is our army used a lot of weight loss a fruits and vegetables. with melon and tomato stew, with weight and beauty effect: materials: gourd g random'll leave, I do not know casually holding multiple, tomato , a little ginger, salt, MSG, scallions practice: , winter melon seeded, peeled, sliced or cut; tomatoes washed, stalks, diced. , into the oil pan, the number according to their own, but as we have to lose weight,P90X then put points or less good, add ginger stir fry, then add tomato turn fry a minute or two. , into the gourd, salt, MSG, toss, add the appropriate amount of water add no water to see for yourself.
stamped with ripe melon stew cook until you can. Second paragraph added melon reduced fat recipe: winter melon soup carp diet of raw materials: melon kg carp . practices: winter melon peel, flesh, slicing back-wash. carp to the scales , gills, intestines, clean, the next pan oil should be few and up, until golden brown. pot by adding appropriate amount of water, under the wine, salt, sugar, ginger cook until half cooked, p90x workout add boiled winter melon, white pepper. effect: heat, diuresis, weight loss. slim healthy beverage raw material: a piece of bark melon about cm square size, grams of Salvia, Poria grams, grams of astragalus, grams medlar . approach: to flesh melon skins, bristle brush to remove lint after the wash stand. pot adding kg of water into the gourd to medium p90x dvd set heat and simmer for minutes and drain the juice into the thermos. Then the remaining ingredients into the cup, into the water melon cooked with bubble with drink. day one, as drinking water, medicines can be washed several times back.


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